Here we present a versatile, extensible web application to carry out harvesting, stocking, and node-to-node transitions within a PVA framework. Built using the Nova Modeling engine, this website can be used to dynamically create a meta- (or multi-) Population Viability Analysis (PVA) model with user-interactivity. We will use the acronyms SPVA & MPVA to differentiate between single-population and multi-population PVA.
Users can specify an array of conditions for the model at the demographic, environmental, and meta-population scale. Stochasticity is included both as demographic (e.g. small population size effects) and environmental (e.g. driving variable fluctuations drawn from climatic variable distributions), with the former being critical to carrying out species extinction risk analyses (i.e. PVA) and the latter permits possible climate trend information to be accounded for in multi-decadal simulations. When in deterministic mode - i.e. when demographic stochasticity is set off and environmental stochasticity is set to 0.0 - is the most useful when evaluating various management strategies implemented in large populations. Generally this occurs in the context of sustainable fisheries or forestry exploitation rates that are optimal in some sense.