On this page we will walk through entering some basic parameters for our PVA model including the number of regions, age-classes, and sex structure.
Enter the number of metapopuations (or regions):
The number of regions can be between 1 - 3. A three-region meta-population model will have connectance between nodes 1-2, nodes 1-3, and nodes 2-3 (and vice versa).
Enter the number of age classes for this PVA:
The number of age classes can be between 1 - 10 per sex. Thus, a two-sex PVA structure could have up to 20 age classes (10 males and 10 females).
Enter whether this is a one or two sex model:
Note: if using the two-sex option, the number you entered for age-classes will be doubled so that there are that many age-classes for both males and females. This tutorial will assume two-sex (not single-sex) population structure is used.
Generate a responsive PVA framework based on the number of nodes and age classes. In the next page, you can add region and age class specific demographic and environmental rates.